E5PREF | PREFACE. At length I pass to the remaining portion of my Ethics, which is... |
E5A1 | AXIOM. 1. If two contrary actions be started in the same subject, a change must necessarily take place, eithe... |
E5A2 | AXIOM. 2. The power of an effect is defined by the power of its cause, in so far as its essence is explained... |
E5P1 | PROP. 1. Even as thoughts and the ideas of things are arranged and associated in the mind, so are the modifi... |
E5P2 | PROP. 2. If we remove a disturbance of the spirit, or emotion, from the thought of an external cause, and un... |
E5P3 | PROP. 3. An emotion, which is a passion, ceases to be a passion, as soon as we form a clear and distinct ide... |
E5P3C | PROP. 3, Cor. An emotion therefore becomes more under our control, and the mind is less passive in respect to it,... |
E5P4 | PROP. 4. There is no modification of the body, whereof we cannot form some clear and distinct conception. |
E5P4C | PROP. 4, Cor. Hence it follows that there is no emotion, whereof we cannot form some clear and distinct conceptio... |
E5P5 | PROP. 5. An emotion towards a thing, which we conceive simply, and not as necessary, or as contingent, or as... |
E5P6 | PROP. 6. The mind has greater power over the emotions and is less subject thereto, in so far as it understan... |
E5P7 | PROP. 7. Emotions which are aroused or spring from reason, if we take account of time, are stronger than tho... |
E5P8 | PROP. 8. An emotion is stronger in proportion to the number of simultaneous concurrent causes whereby it is... |
E5P9 | PROP. 9. An emotion, which is attributable to many and diverse causes which the mind regards as simultaneous... |
E5P10 | PROP. 10. So long as we are not assailed by emotions contrary to our nature, we have the power of arranging a... |
E5P11 | PROP. 11. In proportion as a mental image is referred to more objects, so is it more frequent, or more often... |
E5P12 | PROP. 12. The mental images of things are more easily associated with the images referred to things which we... |
E5P13 | PROP. 13. A mental image is more often vivid, in proportion as it is associated with a greater number of othe... |
E5P14 | PROP. 14. The mind can bring it about, that all bodily modifications or images of things may be referred to t... |
E5P15 | PROP. 15. He who clearly and distinctly understands himself and his emotions loves God, and so much the more... |
E5P16 | PROP. 16. This love towards God must hold the chief place in the mind. |
E5P17 | PROP. 17. God is without passions, neither is he affected by any emotion of pleasure or pain. |
E5P17C | PROP. 17, Cor. Strictly speaking, God does not love or hate anyone. For God (by the foregoing Prop. E5P17... |
E5P18 | PROP. 18. No one can hate God. |
E5P18C | PROP. 18, Cor. Love towards God cannot be turned into hate. |
E5P19 | PROP. 19. He, who loves God, cannot endeavour that God should love him in return. |
E5P20 | PROP. 20. This love towards God cannot be stained by the emotion of envy or jealousy: contrariwise, it is the... |
E5P21 | PROP. 21. The mind can only imagine anything, or remember what is past, while the body endures. |
E5P22 | PROP. 22. Nevertheless in God there is necessarily an idea, which expresses the essence of this or that human... |
E5P23 | PROP. 23. The human mind cannot be absolutely destroyed with the body, but there remains of it something whic... |
E5P24 | PROP. 24. The more we understand particular things, the more do we understand God. |
E5P25 | PROP. 25. The highest endeavour of the mind, and the highest virtue is to understand things by the third kind... |
E5P26 | PROP. 26. In proportion as the mind is more capable of understanding things by the third kind of knowledge, i... |
E5P27 | PROP. 27. From this third kind of knowledge arises the highest possible mental acquiescence. |
E5P28 | PROP. 28. The endeavour or desire to know things by the third kind of knowledge cannot arise from the first,... |
E5P29 | PROP. 29. Whatsoever the mind understands under the form, of eternity, it does not understand by virtue of co... |
E5P30 | PROP. 30. Our mind, in so far as it knows itself and the body under the form of eternity, has to that extent... |
E5P31 | PROP. 31. The third kind of knowledge depends on the mind, as its formal cause, in so far as the mind itself... |
E5P32 | PROP. 32. Whatsoever we understand by the third kind of knowledge, we take delight in, and our delight is acc... |
E5P32C | PROP. 32, Cor. From the third kind of knowledge necessarily arises the intellectual love of God. |
E5P33 | PROP. 33. The intellectual love of God, which arises from the third kind of knowledge, is eternal. |
E5P34 | PROP. 34. The mind is, only while the body endures, subject to those emotions which are attributable to passi... |
E5P34C | PROP. 34, Cor. Hence it follows that no love save intellectual love is eternal. |
E5P35 | PROP. 35. God loves himself with an infinite intellectual love. |
E5P36 | PROP. 36. The intellectual love of the mind towards God is that very love of God whereby God loves himself, n... |
E5P36C | PROP. 36, Cor. Hence it follows that God, in so far as he loves himself, loves man, and, consequently, that the lo... |
E5P37 | PROP. 37. There is nothing in nature, which is contrary to this intellectual love, or which can take it away. |
E5P38 | PROP. 38. In proportion as the mind understands more things by the second and third kind of knowledge, it is... |
E5P39 | PROP. 39. He, who, possesses a body capable of the greatest number of activities, possesses a mind whereof th... |
E5P40 | PROP. 40. In proportion as each thing possesses more of perfection, so is it more active, and less passive; a... |
E5P40C | PROP. 40, Cor. Hence it follows that the part of the mind which endures, be it great or small, is more perfect tha... |
E5P41 | PROP. 41. Even if we did not know that our mind is eternal, we should still consider as of primary importance... |
E5P42 | PROP. 42. Blessedness is not the reward of virtue, but virtue itself; neither do we rejoice therein, because... |