outer authority | inner authority |
judgement (good-bad; right-wrong; should-shouldn't) |
adequate-inadequate |
pleasure-pain (polarities) |
inner joy (no polarity) |
envy | learning; wonderment |
free will | necessity |
passivity (wishing or business) |
activity (work) |
possessiveness |
essential value (The things of this world but in essence are thine) |
dependence | self-reliance |
competitiveness | friendship |
ambition | caring |
short thought | long thought |
compulsion - rush (immediate results) |
patience; problem-mindedness |
identification | objectivity |
imagination; memory (words and images) |
ideas |
imitation (mechanical) |
consciousness |
external appearance | inner state |
fear | courage |
tension | relaxation; peace |
isolation | togetherness; involvement |
secretiveness; dumping | sharing |
past-mindedness | a new future |
ego | conscious self-affirmation |
mechanicalness | self-remembering |
hope and fear | cause and effect |
complex ideas | simple ideas |
imagination; memory; vague experience (subjectivity) |
reason and intuition (objectivity) |
having | being |